The latest on Crohn's Disease Research

The latest on Crohn's Disease Research MK Roots Wellness by Megan Kelly Blog

Researchers are finding that people who suffer with Crohn’s Disease have significantly higher levels of two types of bacteria in their intestines compared to their healthy counterparts.  Although this study was small and preliminary it’s a step in a direction to possibly find out some answers and possibly some improvements in current care.  Take a read and let me know what you think.


The Fight Against Lyme Disease

The Fight Against Lyme Disease MK Roots Wellness by Megan Kelly Blog

Check out this video of Ally Hilfiger’s description of her battle with Lyme disease.  She speaks about her journey to her diagnosis of Lyme disease and her battle of different treatments that didn’t really work finally leading her to a holistic approach with use of diet, acupuncture, self-love and a whole lot more.  Her approach to treating her Lyme not only speaks to the community of those who suffer from Lyme disease but to all of those who deal with chronic fatigue, depression, weight gain, and so much more.  She shares stories I believe a lot of people can relate to giving us a second to reflect. Take a look!