10 Day Meditation Challenge

10 Day Meditation Challenge MK Roots Wellness by Megan Kelly Blog

10 Day Meditation Challenge

I decided I wanted to start a 10 day meditation challenge for myself simply because it needed to happen!  I have started and stopped multiple times in the past with no success.  So this I sought out for some accountability.  I shared my challenge on Instagram and I recruited friends and family to join in if they were around.  I took videos or pictures of each day and posted to IG for my very own check in.  I am happy to say as of today, April 22, 2018 I have completed my total of 10 days. 

I can’t say that I am completely enlightened at the end of my 10-day challenge lol but I will say that I learned a bit about myself across these 10 days.  I learned I have a really hard time getting out of my head and concentrating on being in the moment.  I also learned that when I had other people around meditating with me I was so focused on their enjoyment that I forgot about my own self at times.  I also learned that I like to meditate in the morning because it sets me up for success the rest of the day, similar to how I feel when I get my workouts done in the early morning. 

The App I used for most of the meditations was Insight Timer.  I really enjoyed this one and will continue to use for my continued meditation journey.  I mainly stuck to guided breath meditations that ranged from 8-13 minutes.  The nice thing about this app is that you can search specific topics and multiple meditations will pop up pertaining to that topic.  Examples included self-esteem guided meditations, letting go of fear, confidence builders, positive mantras, morning meditations, relaxation and more.  I am eager to try a sleep meditation, which ranges from 25-35 minutes.   

So my journey continues and I am happy to be on it.  I am super grateful for my husband Blake who supported me the whole 10 days.  His presence is always a positive one and I can’t thank him enough for that.   If you got to see some of my time-lapse videos you also saw Grizz the Big Bear meditating too.  He is super enlightened :)