Functional Mobilization 1

Functional  Mobilization 1 MK Roots Wellness by Megan Kelly Blog

Last week I traveled to San Francisco for the Functional Mobilization 1 (FM1) course presented by The Institute of Physical Art.  The course was 3 presented across three days with some prior course work that needed to be completed prior to arrival.   After 3 long days and very tired hands from long lab hours I can say it was all worth it and I learned a great deal. 

FMI is an integrated approach to patient care with emphasis on Soft Tissue Mobilization (STM) integrated with PNF, joint mobilizations, and exercise training.  Through out this course we learned the Functional Manual Therapy model of the management of mechanics, neuromuscular, and motor control dysfunctions.  We also learned a systematic approach to the assessment of posture and movement, as well as the evaluation of soft tissue.  All of this information was so detailed and great for treating in the clinic because it was functional and highly effective. 

The IPA has some amazing instructors who are highly trained and more than anything really love their job.  They had sparks in their eyes the entire 10 day hour days trying to teach every bit of detail that they could to us learning physical therapists.  The information they taught was so valuable and taught with a passion. 

This was my first course with the IPA and I can easily say it was well worth it.  I received my continuing education credits but more than that I received another path in treatment of musculoskeletal impairments.  I will definitely be taking more courses with the IPA and am excited that in 2018 they are introducing a new class for the Pelvic Floor!  If you are a physical therapist and wanting to learn more about different treatment methods for patient care you should definitely consider taking a course through the IPA.   It is well worth it!