Lower Extremity Stretches

Hip Flexor Stretch

·Start with your L foot forward and right foot back with the Right knee grounded (Use a towel or blanket under the grounded knee to protect the patella) 

·With both hands on your hips slightly tuck the Left hip under for good alignment of the pelvis

·Here you are stretching your Right Hip Flexor so lean your Right hip forward while keeping the belly engaged and shoulders on top of the hips

·For added mobility lift the Right arm in the air and lean forward, as well as bring the Right arm out into a T and perform a slight rotation

· Hold each position for 60 seconds and perform on each side

Hamstring Stretch

·Lay on your back with both knees bent and feet flat on the floor.  Allow your low back to lightly press down, slight chin tuck (place blanket or pillow under head if chin is jetting up towards ceiling)

· Place Left foot in strap with both hands and each side of strap and start to straighten back of knee forward while pointing toes towards your face

· Adding ankle pump and letting the leg come out to the R and L side will allow for some added mobility in the lower extremity. 

·Hold each position for 60 seconds and perform on each side


Piriformis Stretch

·Lay on back with knees bent and both feet on the floor.  Low back lightly pressing into the floor with neck neutral and chin slightly in ( use blanket or pillow under head if this is hard to achieve)

·Place your Right ankle over your Left knee with the Right toes flexed up towards the Right shin.  Start to press the R knee away from you and hold for 20 seconds

·Slowly grab for the Left shin with both hands while keeping your back and head on floor. 

·Hold for 60 seconds and repeat on both sides

Adductor/Inner-Groin Stretch

· Lay on back with blanket or pillow under the head for support.  Start with both knees bent and the feet flat on the floor.  

·Start to separate the knees from one another until you feel a stretch in the inner thighs.  If the low back peels off the ground you went too far with stretching the knees apart.  Place blankets under knees for support.  

· Hold this position for up to 5 minutes. Arms can be by the sides or overhead.  

Toe Stretch

·Kneel on floor with both knees supported by a blanket or towel

· Tuck toes under and hold position for 20-30 seconds and perform 2 times each

·Add upper extremity arm movements like “Eagle Arms” for added mobility into the shoulders.

Lower Extremity Stretches MK Roots Wellness by Megan Kelly Blog
Lower Extremity Stretches MK Roots Wellness by Megan Kelly Blog
Lower Extremity Stretches MK Roots Wellness by Megan Kelly Blog
Lower Extremity Stretches MK Roots Wellness by Megan Kelly Blog
Lower Extremity Stretches MK Roots Wellness by Megan Kelly Blog
Lower Extremity Stretches MK Roots Wellness by Megan Kelly Blog
Lower Extremity Stretches MK Roots Wellness by Megan Kelly Blog