What is "BodyWork" ?

The blog post is about the importance of “Bodywork”, and my personal experience of bodywork on my path through wellness and feeling at my optimal best. 

What is Bodywork? MK Roots Wellness by Megan Kelly Blog

So, what is bodywork?  In alternative medicine, bodywork is any therapeutic or personal development technique that involves working with the human body in a form involving manipulative therapy, breath work, or energy medicine.  These modalities of alternative medicine can include physical therapy, chiropractic’s, acupuncture, massage, holistic nutrition, soft tissue work,  pranayama, healing crystals, meditation guidance and so much more.  I have found that bodywork is any form of treatment that you seek to better yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally.

When I injured my knee and my back about 7 months ago I was down in the dumps about not being able to move as and being in a lot of pain.  I had denied my back pain for some time now and the torn MCL in my knee is what finally got me to slow down from a crazy fast moving life (40 hours in a pediatric clinic, yoga teacher, yoga classes, boxing, and way too much more).  I was referred to work on breathing with a well-known and very gifted yoga teacher Sarah Reese.  I was skeptical being that I could hardly walk because of my knee, but I am forever grateful for going to that first session because it changed my life.  Sarah saw me as an individual in my own unique, and tired body.  We worked on pranayama in a supine (laying on my back) position for an hour, and I was sweating.  

During that first private yoga session she saw my ribs and my poor breathing patterns and referred me to Cindy Shaw, a skilled physical therapist who practices in Huntington Beach CA.  The first session with Cindy was a game changer and will forever be the start of change I needed for my body.  She is called the sacral whisperer for a reason.  She works so intimately in the body and not only works the spine physically but energetically.  She and another colleague Cynthia Almonte, who is an amazing movement specialized physical therapist looked at my body in a way that no one, including myself has ever done.  With a lot of work, compliance, and self-study I am recovering from my back injury and now starting to participate in my usual recreational activities including yoga, running, and surfing. 

In this process I was also referred to a physical therapist that once worked for Cindy Shaw named Laurie Barlett.  She is a certified Pilate’s instructor who works with clients one on one.  I had so many compensation patterns and was very unstable in my SI joint and pelvic floor.  Laurie taught me how to find my “middle”, engage my “core”, and learn how to basically move again.  She kicked my ass!  Literally!  I continue to work  with Laurie on a weekly basis.  She  challenges me to strengthen my body in a way that I didn’t think was possible, while also dealing with a back and knee injury.  Every session is different and purposeful.  She brought back a spark in my desire to move that I felt was gone from being on the bench for so long. 

The "bodywork" is never over!  These ladies are helping me find a new sense of awareness in my body that I will continually need guidance with, tune ups, and ways to challenge if I ever want to prevent injuries and find optimal performance.  Not being done with this work I think is the exciting part, and I hope to find more ways to show my body some love.  So the moral of the story is to take care of your body!! Find a team that knows your body’s worth and get them to help guide you.   Be preventative!  Just because your not keeled over in bed with pain doesn’t mean that you can’t benefit from seeing a team of body healers.  Do your research and become your own advocate.   Taking care of oneself is one the highest forms of spirituality and self-care.  When you are able to show your body mind and soul respect, love, and generosity it then can spread to others.   

What is Bodywork? MK Roots Wellness by Megan Kelly Blog