10 Simple Ways to Recycle and Help Protect Mother Earth.

10 Simple Ways To Recycle And Help Protect Mother Earth MK Roots Wellness Blog

For 2018 I made a pledge to start reducing as much plastic as possible in my daily life.  The first and easiest (so I thought) way I reduced plastic use was using a reusable grocery bag as well as reusable produce bag.  So SIMPLE….unless you forget your bags at home!  What I have learned so far is it’s about progress, not perfection!  I have probably remembered my grocery bag and reusable produce bags 60% of the time, which is much better than the 0% in my prior years.  It was a simple change that I needed some time getting use to, but I am so happy that I took on the challenge.  Below is a list of 10 things to do to reduce your plastic, recycle and help protect Mother Earth! 

1.     Get a lovely Re-usable Grocery Bag.  I have a thick cloth one from Mother’s Market that I place in the same spot each time I bring in a grocery haul.  When I leave for a grocery trip, which is usually a scheduled 2x a week event, I try to remember the bags and say out loud that I need my Re-usable bag. 

2.     Get re-usable produce bags!  This one was a progress step after mastering brining my grocery bag to the store.  I found these on Amazon and they come in 3 different sizes for all types of produce.  I usually put all of my produce bags in the grocery bag and grab and go!


3.     Each beach visit pick up at least 5 pieces of trash.  Our oceans need our help.  Even though picking up 5 pieces of trash can seem minimal it can start a chain reaction where other people join in and a bunch of trash winds up being throw away. 

4.     No More Plastic Straws!  After seeing too many terrible videos of different sea life ingesting our plastic straws I had to make a change.  I bought a super cool glass one from Mother’s Market that has its very own case and cleaning wand.  It seems like a lot to travel with a glass straw in your bag but once you get into the ritual or habit it’s easy!  I have a couple in the house and a few I travel with that people always ask me about.  This is always an opportunity to educate vs. preach to get others to participate in ditching some plastic in their life

5.     Re-usable Bottles.  Weather its for water, tea, coffee, juice, or smoothies get a bottle that is best for you and your liquid needs.  There are so many different brands that are clean, non-toxic, sturdy and fun.  Check out this collaboration with B Street Shoes and HiiT Water Bottles.  I have multiple in the house that range in size and tops so that I can change it up and have the best bottle for the rite liquid.

6.  Make recycling bins readily available. Make sure your home and office are outfitted with recycling bins for paper, plastic and metal. Keep them out in the open and label them appropriately. Sometimes the convenience factor is all that is needed.

7.     Support eco-friendly companies by buying products made from recycled material – this could be anything from pencils and paper to wallets and clothing!  Check for labels that support good practice with company waste and disposal. 

8.     Participate in a local compost program.  Most cities have programs where you can turn in your compost in return for fertilizer.  This program is a win-win for both Mother Earth and your Garden.

9.    Stasher Bags! These are my favorite replacements for ziplock plastic bags.  They are safe in the freezer, microwave, dishwasher, and boiling water.   I put fresh food, snacks and more in these bags and travel with them everywhere.  They have multiple sizes and colors.  Check Amazon for the best prices. 

10. Invest in a large 5-Gallon water jug and ditch the single bottles.   One in the home and the work place is a great idea for keeping hydrated and plastic limited.  Ask you employer to invest in large jugs and look for a Water Brewery in your area.  Most companies will deliver weekly or bi-weekly to decrease the hassle of going in to the store. 


I hope some of these ideas were helpful and you all find it a little easier to recycle and protect Mother Earth.  I have learned that it is a building practice in my house and although we are not perfect I am happy to start reducing my carbon foot print one step at a time.