What is Holistic Nutrition

What is Holistic Nutrition MK Roots Wellness Blog

What is Holistic Nutrition?

Holistic Nutrition is an approach to health and healing with a whole-person perspective.   The use of a complete health history, current diet habits, lifestyle habits, emotional state, spiritual health and more are used to determine root cause of his or her health related issues.  No one person will be the same, and a holistic nutrition approach honors the individuality of each person.  

Some of the health issues that holistic nutrition can address include:

·     Weight management

·     Depression/ mood

·     Fatigue/ low energy

·     Acne

·     Cravings

·     Detoxification

·     Dietary changes/food allergies

·     Disease prevention

·     Hormone issues

·     Sleep problems

With the use of nutrient dense foods, natural supplementation and lifestyle recommendations Holistic Nutrition addresses all the areas of wellness to create a successful journey for clients to maintain.   Health coaching, meal prepping, grocery store education, mindfulness, family planning and more are included in a holistic nutrition program to create a successful roadmap for each individual client.  

I personally, as a holistic nutritionist, have the most fun strategizing meals for the week, coming up with fun recipes, and creating life long healthy habits with clients.  Each person or client is different and I enjoy meeting them where they are at and strategizing in a collective way to come up with the best possibilities to keep each client successful on their journey to optimal health. It’s not just what we put in our bodies, its how we eat, when we eat, and who we are when we eat that makes a difference.  

Weather you are wanting to loose weight, boost your mood, increase energy, improve skin health, or increase mental clarity holistic nutrition is a great journey to start and utilize to create healthy lifestyle habits for your long-term overall wellness.