What is Holistic Nutrition

What is Holistic Nutrition MK Roots Wellness Blog

What is Holistic Nutrition?

Holistic Nutrition is an approach to health and healing with a whole-person perspective.   The use of a complete health history, current diet habits, lifestyle habits, emotional state, spiritual health and more are used to determine root cause of his or her health related issues.  No one person will be the same, and a holistic nutrition approach honors the individuality of each person.  

Some of the health issues that holistic nutrition can address include:

·     Weight management

·     Depression/ mood

·     Fatigue/ low energy

·     Acne

·     Cravings

·     Detoxification

·     Dietary changes/food allergies

·     Disease prevention

·     Hormone issues

·     Sleep problems

With the use of nutrient dense foods, natural supplementation and lifestyle recommendations Holistic Nutrition addresses all the areas of wellness to create a successful journey for clients to maintain.   Health coaching, meal prepping, grocery store education, mindfulness, family planning and more are included in a holistic nutrition program to create a successful roadmap for each individual client.  

I personally, as a holistic nutritionist, have the most fun strategizing meals for the week, coming up with fun recipes, and creating life long healthy habits with clients.  Each person or client is different and I enjoy meeting them where they are at and strategizing in a collective way to come up with the best possibilities to keep each client successful on their journey to optimal health. It’s not just what we put in our bodies, its how we eat, when we eat, and who we are when we eat that makes a difference.  

Weather you are wanting to loose weight, boost your mood, increase energy, improve skin health, or increase mental clarity holistic nutrition is a great journey to start and utilize to create healthy lifestyle habits for your long-term overall wellness.   


OC "Clean Eating" Food Guide

OC "Clean Eating" Food Guide MK Roots Wellness by Megan Kelly Blog

Orange County “Clean Eating” Food Guide

Places to Grocery Shop….

·      Mothers Market:  There are multiple locations in Orange County.  I shop mainly in Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach.   The produce is always fresh, great brands that include gluten free, vegan, clean, paleo, and cruelty free.  Mother’s Market also has bulk bins with every nut and seed you can imagine, a fresh juice bar, salad bar restaurant, and a natural cosmetics section.  You can pretty much buy anything at Mother’s Market. 

OC "Clean Eating" Food Guide MK Roots Wellness by Megan Kelly Blog

·Fermentation Farms: “Ferm Farm” is located in Costa Mesa off of Victoria.  This cute little spot is home to all types of fermented foods and elixirs including kimchee, kraut, coconut yogurt, bread, kombucha and more.  Ferm farm also sells fresh and frozen bone broth, salad dressings, cheese, ranch direct meats, fresh eggs and so much more.  Ferm Farm also hosts weekly cooking classes on all the fermented products that are made in house.  I took the Coconut Zingy Yogurt class a few months ago and loved it!  This place is a gem!

 ·      Local Newport Beach Farmers' Market: Sunday Morning form 9am to 2pm is the cutest farmer’s market.  There are many vendors but the primary ones that I visit include the produce stand with loads of local and season veggies and fruits along with the best eggs I have had yet!  I also hit up the Bake Shake!  The best bread including fresh sourdough, multigrain seeded, whole grain, baguettes, croissants, Brioche, and my husband’s favorite Jalapeno Cheddar.  There are other stands that have fresh honey, almonds and almond butters, fresh fruit, hummus, falafels, macaroons, cold press juices and more.  Located at the Balboa Pier. Come Support Local Agriculture!


·      The Water Brewery: Located in Costa Mesa near Ferm Farm, the Water Brewery opened its second location with a kitchen!  This beautiful little shop has smoothies, teas, juices and elixirs that will make any clean eating foodie melt!  I love the Jack Fruit Tacos the best so far.  They also have a refrigerator filled with raw/clean desserts as well as always have some fresh baked clean treats like zucchini muffins or chocolate cake!  You can buy all the adaptogens you desire along with crystals, salts, stones and more. 

OC "Clean Eating" Food Guide MK Roots Wellness by Megan Kelly Blog

·      Café Gratitude:  There are multiple locations in Southern California with the location in Newport Beach being extra beautiful.  I love brining family from out of town here or dinner and sitting outside on their patio.  The menu is local, made in-house foods, filled with gluten free, vegetarian, and dairy-free options.  Their desserts are always good along with their yummy teas and multiple wellness shots.  Their to-go spot in the back is my go-to for a quick snack or lunch when I am on the go and want to treat myself.  Bonus!  They have a rewards card to accumulate points for $15 dollars. 

·      Outpost Kitchen: This hidden gem is located on the West side of Costa Mesa and is my favorite place for breakfast and lunch.  And not to mention they have amazing coffee with fresh baked clean eating pastries.  This is an Aussie style restaurant that serves up clean eating foods that are made rite in front of you including smoke salmon with eggs, GF pancakes, Muesli, Smoothies, juices, Chicken sandwiches, salads and more.  This place never disappoints and is the best spot for those clean healthy eaters

OC "Clean Eating" Food Guide MK Roots Wellness by Megan Kelly Blog

·      Bear Flag: This is the spot for fresh Poke, tacos, and fish burritos.  The atmosphere is always chill and the food can’t be beat.  I usually get fish from their to-go counter to cook at home, or my go-to is the wild salmon or shrimp burrito with brown rice.  Bear Flag also has a fresh sushi bar and serves alcohol. 

·      Eat Drink Vibe:  Clean eating bowls, salads, juices, smoothies, wellness shots and more.  Love this place for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Another clean eating persons dream food joint!

OC "Clean Eating" Food Guide MK Roots Wellness by Megan Kelly Blog

·      Mother’s Market Kitchen: I am obsessed with grocery shopping here, and their kitchen is great too!  All vegetarian with multiple gluten free and dairy free options.  Wellness shots, smoothies and juices are also available here as well.  The kitchen opens at 7 and closes at 10pm.  My favorite is the Tempeh wrap with their homemade tahini dressing!  They always have a soup of the day and their lemon quinoa is one of my favorite sides! 





What is a Reset? And Why should I do it?

About 4-5 times a year I try to make an effort to “reset” my body and get back on track with the food I am consuming.  This reset usually comes after a lot of travel, holidays, or when I feel I am just off track.  A reset is NOT an extreme detox, but more of eliminating the bad to allow my digestive system to calm down and heal a bit.  During travel and holidays I allow myself to indulge (in moderation!!) a little more than usual and sometimes it takes my body for a loop.  Between bloating, fatigue, tummy issues, and skin irritation my body screams for a reset button so that it can get back to its normal. 

A reset is the perfect way to recalibrate your system without extreme dieting or starvation.  I don’t believe in crazy juice cleanses or cutting calories.  What I do believe in is optimal digestion and proper gut health for the best break down of food into usable energy.  My reset usually includes homemade soup with my own broth, simple salads, smoothies with minimal fruit, beans, and lightly seasoned proteins like wild salmon, tempeh, and eggs.  I always eliminate sugars including honey and maple syrup to get cravings low and I usually eliminate coffee as well.  Since I have an allergy to dairy I continue to stay clear but for others who don’t have an allergy I recommend eliminating dairy.  To help my digestive system I drink a lot of herbal teas like mint and dandelion root and also eat a lot of fermented foods including pickled veggies, kraut, kimchee, and kombucha (watch for added sugars!!! GT’s is my favorite brand that doesn’t have added sugar).

Another aspect to my reset is strategic eating throughout the day.  I eat within 60 minutes of waking and then eat every 3-4 hours until an hour before bed.  I start my day with a medium sized meal leaving lunch to be another medium sized meal and dinner to be a smaller meal.  Eating lighter at night allows the digestive system to really break down food from the entire day versus if you have a large meal for dinner the digestive system is taxed by breaking down what you just ate before bed. 

Other aspects I add in my reset is mindful meditation and eating, gentle yoga, dry brushing, and myofascial stretching.  These are all little ways to aid the body in recovery from stress.

So, how long should a reset be?  This all depends on how off you are feeling.  Sometimes my reset will be a few days or a few weeks.  I normally try and stick with at least 10 days to allow my body to fully recover.  By the end of the reset I always notice improvements in my digestion, skin complexion, sleeping patterns, energy, libido, and mood.  The first few days I usually feel resistance and crave sugar and desserts, but after day 3 or so I am feeling pretty good and able to power through. 

I encourage anyone to try a reset!  Experiment and see if it helps your body get back to optimal function, especially if you are feeling like your eating patterns have been off for a bit and you are noticing signs of poor digestion like bloating, gas or fatigue. Getting rid of processed food, sugars, and simple carbs are easy to do and easy to replace. Resets are not meant to be extreme, but more so meant to be intentional.  Reflect, journal, and really take the time to tap into what the body is telling you.  I promise it will be an experience you enjoy and will want to come back to when you are feeling less than perfect!  


*** This article is not meant to treat any diseases,  Consult with your primary doctor to see if you are able to do something like a reset if you are dealing with any disease, pregnant, or elderly. **

What is a Reset? And Why should I do it? MK Roots Wellness by Megan Kelly